Who Are We Looking For?
Do you have an eye for detail and the ability to make every hotel room look Spotless for our guests? With you on our housekeeping team, we are assured of the cleanest results. Meanwhile, you walk around with a big smile and feel at home in our hotel.
Family & Friendliness
The James Hotel isn't part of a large hotel chain, which is precisely why it feels like running a hotel with your family. A second home and a family with whom you love spending time. We even have a "sister" hotel in Amsterdam; Hotel2Stay. We go out together, have lots of fun, and share a common passion: making others feel at home. We love working with and for people. We do this with full energy and passion, and we believe that being presentable is key. At The James Hotel, you'll never be on your own. We take pride in our warm, family-like atmosphere and genuinely care about every individual; we organize fun tea...